Flowers for Kris and Today’s Haiku


We lost my sister Kris six years ago.  My brother-in-law Den had these flowers placed on the alter at church this weekend in her memory.

My memories of her lately have been when we were young.  She was 9 years older than me but still found things we could enjoy together despite the age difference.

One memory I have is of her and I watching spooky movies, just the two of us.  Our younger brother was too little for spooky movies and we waited until he went to bed.  We shared a huge bag of chocolate chip cookies dipped into short glasses of lemonade as we settled in for spooky movies until I fell asleep.

Here is my Haiku:

  • our expectations
  • satisfied with shared terror
  • and sister giggles

Love and miss you Kris!

Thrift store rescue 1

My sister love butterflies.  I bought myself a membership to the Butterfly Pavilion here in Colorado.  Hang out with live butterflies! The gift shop had these neat little butterfly trinkets.


They had these cute little bumblebees too.



I needed something to put them in,  I wanted to see them every day to just keep my sister close.  I planned I’m looking for a fancy little bowl somewhere but my sister was so thrifty I tried to thrift store first.  Here was the perfect little glass butterfly dish which I rescued from the thrift store for pennies.  My sister would’ve been pleased!


So these little trinkets are on my desk at work to just put a smile on my face when I need it.