Lifetime Habit Resumed

I was hooked on blood donation decades ago by my dad, we used to donate together until he knew I was truly a blood donation addict.

When I got my cancer diagnosis last year I became ineligible to donate.

I had an oncology appointment yesterday and was released to donate blood again!  My oncologist said there were no signs of cancer in my body and it was safe to resume my blood donations.



The donation center has been regularly checking in with me to see if I am eligible to donate again.  They love my blood.  I am missing an antigen in my blood so my bag gets bright orange sticker tagging it as a special unit.  For someone in serious condition missing the same antigen my blood could be a lifesaver for them.  Their antibodies could react with incompatible donor blood cells triggering a reaction from the immune system. These transfusion reactions can be lethal.

Resuming blood donation this Friday!


11 thoughts on “Lifetime Habit Resumed”

  1. Congratulations on BOTH milestones! (Clear for years, personally, so I can feel your relief and gratitude).

    Blood donation is a WONDERFUL habit to put back in place. Watch for a ping or two as I resume my Habits, Decisions & Attention Series — I’ll be linking (and joining you in setting this particular habit in place.)

    I’m O+ so they don’t always need me and sometimes won’t take my donation — but I’ll bet, *everybody’s* blood will be welcome post Hurricanes, *especially* mine as a universal donor.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

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